Focus on... NPQs
You may have heard that NPQ funding for autumn 2024 cohorts was recently announced by DfE.
Between autumn 2021 and spring 2024, all NPQs were funded for all state-funded schools. Unfortunately, this is not the case for autumn 2024, with only the NPQ in leading primary maths (NPQLPM), the NPQ SENCO, and the NPQ in headship (NPQH) remaining fully funded. All other NPQs are only funded for the 50% of schools with the highest proportion of students who attract pupil premium funding.
The Julian TSH has now seen the DfE’s list of which schools are eligible for this full NPQ funding. You can contact us to find out if your school is on this list, and therefore is eligible for all NPQs to be funded for autumn 2024.
Please be aware that fully funded places on NPQs are capped at 10,800 nationally.
Each lead provider has been allocated a certain number of funded places on their NPQs.
We are working with our partners to understand how applications will be processed and places allocated, but information we have received so far indicates that it will be first come, first served.
Do not delay in considering whether to put colleagues forward for an NPQ. Applications for all autumn 2024 NPQs will open on Monday 1 July via the DfE website, with the qualifications starting in October/November.
The Julian Teaching School Hub is planning to offer the following NPQs in autumn 2024:
- NPQ in Headship (in partnership with the Teacher Development Trust (TDT))
- NPQ in Senior Leadership (in partnership with TDT)
- NPQ in Leading Literacy (in partnership with TDT)
- NPQ in Leading Teacher Development (in partnership with TDT)
- NPQ in Leading Primary Maths (in partnership with Inspiration TSH, Unity TSH, Angles Maths Hub, and the National Institute of Teaching (NIoT))
- NPQ SENCO (in partnership with Ambition Institute).
You can also express your interest in these NPQs via our website.