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National Professional Qualifications

Our NPQs are designed and delivered in partnership with accredited organisations chosen to maximise the participant experience.

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Our partnership with TDT

We are delighted that TDT has been judged to be an Outstanding NPQ provider by Ofsted:

Facilitators know participants extremely well. Participants benefit from expert guidance and exposition that are skilfully adapted to help them to build coherently on the prior knowledge, understanding and experiences that they bring to the training.

Participants experience highly effective, expert training from Teacher Development Trust. The positive impact that this has on their wider professional development is exceptional and far-reaching in the educational settings in which they work.

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Our NPQs for autumn 2024


Headship (NPQH)

Create a culture of excellence across your setting. Develop your team and bring them with you on the journey.

Find out more here

Senior Leadership (NPQSL)

Ensure collective accountability for planning and implementing whole-school change with senior leadership responsibility.

Find out more here


Leading Teacher Development (NPQLTD)

Develop the teachers in your school through coaching, mentoring, and designing and implementing effective CPD programmes.

Find out more here

Leading Literacy (NPQLL)

Lead on effective strategies to improve literacy outcomes in your school. Develop others and create change.

Find out more here

Our partnership with Ambition Institute


We are delighted to be partnering with Ambition Institute to bring the brand new NPQ in SEND to Broadland, King's Lynn and West Norfolk, North Norfolk and Norwich. This is a new course designed for SENCOs. It begins in autumn 2024 and replaces the NASENCO qualification.

Become an expert leader of special educational needs and learn how you can build an inclusive culture in your school where all pupils can succeed.

You will learn how to:

  • Contribute to establishing and sustaining a positive and supportive culture across the school for all pupils.
  • Support senior leaders to ensure staff and governors enact statutory guidance.
  • Support teachers and support staff to understand the importance of expert teaching for all pupils and to implement a graduated approach in the classroom, subject or domain effectively.
  • Support the delivery of effective provision for pupils with SEND and their families, and be able to review, monitor, evaluate and improve the impact of SEND provision.
  • Work with staff, specialists and other agencies to assist the school in meeting the needs of all pupils.
  • Implement an efficient SEND identification process across the school which ensures that barriers to learning are identified and addressed at the earliest opportunity.
  • Work with and equip fellow leaders with the skills to establish and sustain effective curriculum planning that enable teachers to plan, adapt and teach effectively for all pupils.
  • Support the development of a positive, safe and supportive environment for pupils across the whole school.
  • Ensure all pupils feel motivated in school with a supportive setting to enable them to reach their aspirations and potential.

Find out more, including how to apply, here.

Our multi-hub partnership to deliver the NPQ in Leading Primary Maths

Funding for autumn 2024

Please be aware that fully funded places on NPQs are capped at 10,800 nationally. Each lead provider has been allocated a certain number of funded places on their NPQs. We are working with our partners to understand how applications will be processed and places allocated. 

Funding for autumn 2024 will target those teachers and leaders who work in the most challenging schools or educational settings, serving more disadvantaged communities. 

Funding to cover the full NPQ course cost will be available to teachers and leaders from:

  • The 50% of schools with the highest proportion of students who attract pupil premium funding
  • 16 to 19 educational settings identified as having high disadvantage.

Contact us to find out if your school or setting is eligible for funding.

Full funding will continue to be available to teachers and leaders from publicly funded schools and 16 to 19 educational organisations for the following NPQs:

  • Leading primary maths (NPQLPM)
  • Headship (NPQH).

This announcement covers the autumn 2024 NPQs only. Funding for spring 2025 has yet to be announced.

Do I need qualified teacher status (QTS)?

No! NPQs are valuable professional development for anybody working in a relevant role in a school - for example:

  • The NPQ in Leading Behaviour and Culture is ideal for pastoral support staff
  • The NPQ in Early Years Leadership is specifically aimed at childminders and nursery staff
  • The NPQ in Senior Leadership can be valuable for support staff in senior leadership roles such as designated safeguarding lead (DSL).

You will need a teacher reference number (TRN) to apply for an NPQ. If you do not have QTS you can still get a TRN - simply follow the steps here

How to apply

Applications for autumn 2024 NPQs will open in July 2024.

You can express your interest in our specialist and leadership NPQs with TDT here - more information will be sent to you when available.

For information on how to apply to Ambition Institute for the NPQ in SEND, click here.