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Focus on... Funding for NPQs

A run down of available funding.

We know that NPQs are prestigious, nationally recognised qualifications that can help you progress your career, improve your practice, and ultimately deliver improved outcomes for the young people in our schools. They are part of the DfE's golden thread of teacher development.

With the NPQSL and NPQH fully reformed, and new qualifications in Early Years Leadership, Leading Behaviour and Culture, Leading Literacy, Leading Teacher Development, and Leading Teaching all now on offer, there's no limit to where you can take your professional learning.

But how much do they cost? Well, for AY2023-24, full funding is available as follows:

1. For all NPQs, for teachers and leaders employed by:

  • State-funded schools
  • State-funded 16 to 19 organisations
  • Independent special schools
  • Virtual schools (organisations run by local authorities that support the education of children in care)
  • Hospital schools
  • Young offender institutions

It’s also available for practising teachers employed by local authorities, such as local authority supply teachers.

2. For initial teacher training (ITT) lead mentors, for the NPQ in Leading Teacher Development.

3. For the NPQ in Early Years Leadership, for early years professionals qualified to at least level 3 employed in one of a:

  • Maintained nursery school in England
  • Pre-school class or nursery that’s part of a maintained school in England
  • Pre-school class or nursery that’s part of an independent school in England providing free early years entitlements places
  • Nursery that is registered on the Ofsted Early Years Register
  • Childminder registered on the Ofsted Early Years Register, or with a registered childminder agency.

Not only this, but there is funding available for schools to allow them to release staff to complete an NPQ as follows:

  • State-funded primary schools with 150 or fewer pupils: your school will receive a grant payment of £800 for each teacher or leader you employ who starts an NPQ in AY2023-24
  • State-funded primary schools with more than 150 pupils: Your school will receive a grant payment of £200 for each teacher or leader you employ who starts an NPQ in AY2023-24
  • State-funded secondary schools or 16–19 settings with 600 or fewer pupils: Your school will receive a grant payment of £200 for each teacher or leader you employ who starts an NPQ in AY2023-24.

There is no guarantee that this funding will continue past summer 2024 - so apply for your NPQ now.