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National Professional Qualifications

By Sarah Bird, Deputy Director of the Julian Teaching School Hub

With many teaching staff in new posts this academic year, I would like to bring your attention to the funded National Professional Qualifications.

The Julian Teaching School Hub is really excited to offer the following qualifications starting in Autumn 2022 and Spring 2023.

NPQ Headship (NPQH) Create a culture of excellence across your setting. Develop your team and bring them with you on the journey. (Autumn and Spring.) This is suitable for staff who aspire to future headship roles as well as those in post.

NPQ Senior Leadership (NPQSL) Ensure collective accountability for planning and implementing whole-school change with senior leadership responsibility. (Autumn and Spring.)  For heads of department and subject to develop leadership skills.

NPQ Leading Teacher Development (NPQLTD) Develop the teachers in your school through coaching, mentoring, and designing and implementing effective CPD programmes. (Autumn and Spring.)

NPQ Leading Behaviour and Culture (NPQLBC) Improve pupil wellbeing through consistency of approach and practice. This course aims to create a warm whole-school culture and is suitable for teaching and non-teaching staff in a pastoral role. (Spring.)

NPQ Leading Teaching (NPQLT) Lead high-quality teaching and curriculum development, securing phase- or subject-specific excellence (Autumn and Spring.) Suitable for middle and senior leaders responsible for staff.

*New* NPQ Leading Literacy (NPQLL) Lead on effective strategies to improve literacy outcomes in your school. Develop others and create change (Spring.)

*New* NPQ Early Years Leadership (NPQEYL) Lead successful improvement and change in your nursery setting, whether PVI, school-based or maintained nurseries, or childminder. (Spring.)

To find out more about the NPQs, and how to apply, click here.