New Guidance On Key Stage 2 Literacy
Just published by the EEF.
Disadvantaged pupils are 20% less likely than their peers to reach the expected standards in reading, writing and maths by the time they leave primary school.
Ensuring pupils have access to the best possible literacy teaching is central to their development, but also to closing the attainment gap that exists between disadvantaged pupils and their classmates.
The EEF has updated its ‘Improving Literacy in Key Stage 2’ guidance report, which offers teachers seven evidence-informed recommendations to ensure pupils make the necessary gains in reading and writing during this critical stage of their schooling.
The updated guidance is complete with brand-new models to support teachers in navigating the complexity of supporting reading development. For example, the 'reading comprehension house' illustrates the component elements of reading, supporting teachers to consider how each one factors into their approach.
It highlights the importance of supporting pupils to develop strong reading fluency, while also offering an array of practical strategies that can be used in the classroom, such as the 'Reader's Theatre' approach.
The report, which is free to download from the EEF's website, also provides insights into how practitioners can ensure pupils build a broad and deep vocabulary, and guidance around the key areas for literacy assessment.
This report sits alongside the EEF's other guidance reports - focused on maths, metacognition, effective implementation and making best use of teaching assistants - providing the basis for an overall advance towards evidence-informed school improvement.