Recommended CPD for 2023-24 (part two)
From the Inclusion and SEND team at Norfolk County Council.
Each year the Julian Teaching School highlights recommended CPD outside of our core offer of the ECT programme, appropriate body services and NPQs. We work with Norfolk County Council and other members of our steering group to identify school CPD needs; we then seek to work with local organisations to quality assure their CPD that meets local need.
Before we recommend any CPD to schools, we audit its design for the programme against the evidence base, offering feedback to the programme lead until we are happy that standards are high. We then sample delivery of CPD once programmes are underway, as well as surveying participants to ascertain their views on quality, usefulness and impact.
In 2023-24, we are delighted to recommend the following programme from Norfolk County Council:
This training is designed for SENDCos who are new to the role; new to Norfolk; teachers aspiring to be a SENDCo, assistant SENDCos and those who would like to refresh their knowledge. The training aims to provide you with the knowledge that you need to navigate SEND support and advice in Norfolk. This is a 5 day course package. Days one and five will be face to face meetings, days two, three and four will be via Teams.
Course overview
- Day one: Understanding the role of the SENDCo
- Day two: The Graduated Approach
- Day three: Working in partnership with CYP and families
- Day four: Multi-agency working and The Graduated Approach Part 1
- Day five: Multi-agency working and The Graduated Approach Part 2.
This is the third year that we have been pleased to recommend this course - find out more at the link above.