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So you've finished your NPQ - what now?

Where could your NPQ take you?

Here at the Julian Teaching School Hub, we're delighted that all of our first cohorts of the new NPQs have now completed their qualifications - we saw how hard our participants worked and were so impressed by their dedication to their own development.

If you've just completed an NPQ, you may be wondering what now? Well, we can help with that!

As you can see, your leadership NPQ enables you to lead whole school change, progress to headship (if you're not there already), and share your knowledge with others via school to school support or programme facilitation. You can also progress to the NPQ in Executive Leadership.

Your NPQSL can help you prepare for senior leadership (if you're not there already), become an induction tutor or mentor, and play a key role in whole school or Trust improvement. You can also progress to the NPQ in Headship.

There are so many pathways opened up by your specialist NPQ, from leading a subject or department, supporting whole-staff development, to progressing into senior leadership. There's also no reason why a senior leader or head shouldn't undertake a specialist NPQ to benefit from the most up to date research evidence!

Where will your NPQ take you?