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Spotlight on… Universal offer from Whole School SEND East of England

The universal offer is DfE-funded, running 2022-2025.

The Whole School SEND regional team for the East of England and North East London is led by Michelle Unstead, also Director of Inclusion at Sapientia Education Trust. Their role is to communicate the whole school SEND universal offer to schools, as well as offering targeted support to certain schools.

The universal offer is DfE-funded, running 2022-2025. To access it, you will need to create an account on the Whole School SEND national website, from where you can also subscribe to a newsletter to be kept informed. The universal offer is growing, and the regional team would like to highlight the following to schools in our area:

Online units aimed at teachers, teaching assistants and tutors

  • Free to access asynchronous learning
  • Each unit 20 mins duration
  • Provides information on learner characteristics and how to adapt teaching for all learners
  • Unlimited access to all – Read more and register here

Live discussion sessions

  • Free to access live online meetings
  • Contextualises learning from online units
  • Facilitated by Whole School SEND regional leads and subject experts
  • Spaces limitedbook here

Preparing for Adulthood: School self-evaluation training and support

  • Is there a strategic approach to Preparation for Adulthood (PfA) in your setting?
  • Receive funded training and support to help you carry out a PfA review
  • Spaces limitedRegister your interest now

Professional development groups

  • Next recruitment round will be in Autumn 2023
  • Be supported by Whole School SEND to implement an evidence-informed, SEND focussed school improvement project
  • People at all levels can apply: TAs, Teachers, SENDCOs, Headteachers, Directors of Inclusion, CEOs
  • Piloted in 2021-22, read about previous projects supported

Refer to our Curriculum Hubs page for the Whole School SEND regional team’s contact details.